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Skills Course

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is one of the biggest predictors of performance in the
workplace and a strong driver of leadership and personal excellence.
It is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions and to recognise
the emotions of others. It is a critical factor in personal and professional success.

Individual & group bookings
Available online

The course has five (5) modules including a “Test your knowledge” assessment at the end of each module:

Module 1: Emotions drive behaviour
Module 2: The Amygdala
Module 3: EQ self-assessment
Module 4: The five dimensions of emotional intelligence
Module 5: The EI/EQ journey

At the end of this course learners will have a better understanding of:

Emotional intelligence as a driver of leadership and personal excellence

The importance of self-awareness as a building block for emotional intelligence
The skill attributes required for self-management
Organisational awareness and service orientation as key components of social awareness
Effective social or people skills to improve working relationships and to boost productivity

The course has been designed especially for individuals at all levels who want to understand and develop their emotional intelligence skills. It is highly recommended for team leaders, supervisors, and managers.

The course includes a final assessment test as follows:

Creative design·

Multiple choice questions (x25)

Creative design

Pass mark 70%

Creative design

Learners have unlimited attempts

Creative design
A certificate issued upon passing the assessment

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